step 1
In Start menu start typing “network” and click on Network and Sharing Center.
step 2
Click on Set up a new connection or network option.
step 3
Choose Connect to a workspace option and press Next.
step 4
Click on Use my Internet connection (VPN) option.
step 5
Under Internet address option put your server IP address and
for Destination name put any name, like SafeVPN L2TP.
step 6
Check option Don’t connect now;just setup it up…
step 7
Press Create button.
step 8
You can close this window now.
step 9
Find network connections icon in tray(near clock) and click on it.
You will see new setuped connection SafeVPN L2TP, as in my example.
step 10
Press Properties button.
step 11
Under Options tab uncheck option Include Windows logon domain.
step 12
Under Security tab click on Type of VPN list
step 13
Choose Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol with IPSec(L2TP/IPsec) option.
step 14
Click on Advanced settings button.
step 15
Check option Use preshared key for authentication and
under Key pur your L2TP key.(can check correct L2TP key in Customer Area)
step 16
Under Networking uncheck all except Internet Protocol Version 4, see image as example.
Click Ok to save all changes.
step 17
PPTP SafeVPN configured – you’re star! Let’s try connection.
Under User name – put your Username,
under Password – put your Password.
step 18
Check option Save this user name and password… if you would like to save username and password.
Windows will save user name and password so next time you would like connect will no need enter again.
Press Connect button to connect VPN.
step 19
Once connected Windows will ask to choose location for new VPN connection. Recommend use Work network option.
step 20
You can see SafeVPN L2TP connected under network connections.
Once connected to VPN you have SafeVPN IP and can feel safe.
step 21
To disconnect VPN choose SafeVPN L2TP connection and press Disconnect.
step 22
Next time to connect VPN use Connect button under list of connections.