This setup example for PPTP connection without encryption
step 1
Start from Settings
step 2
Go to Wireless & networks
step 3
Choose VPN settings from options.
step 4
Press Add VPN to add new connection.
step 5
Choose Add PPTP VPN option.
step 6
Press on VPN name
step 7
You can choose any name, this is not critical.
Pur SafeVPN-enc for example
step 8
We need setup server next, Set VPN server option.
step 9
Fill form with correct server IP. Can check correct IP in Customer Area.
step 10
Disable Enable encryption option
step 11
Press Menu button and Save connection.
step 12
VPN configured – you’re star!
You can see connection in available options, click on VPN name to start connection
step 13
Fill fields with your Username and Password
Set Remember username if you don’t want enter it each time.
It can few secconds to connect, and you will see Connected status
step 14
It can few secconds to connect, and you will see Connected status
Verify you have “key” icon in status bar